
規格 4Mx18
腳位/封裝 165 ball BGA (13 x 15 mm)
型號別 ibis/verilog
焊接 Leaded
狀態 Prod
評注 2.5 Cycle Read
速度(MHz) 450
温規 Commercial Grade (0C to +70°C)
產品類別 DDP = DDR-IIP, Common I/O
讀延時(RL) blank = 1.5 clock cycles or 2.5 clock cycles
產品系列 61 = QUAD/P DDR-2/P
配置 2M36 = 2M x36
速度 450 = 450MHz
包裝代碼 B4 = 165 ball BGA (13 x 15 mm)
ROHS版 = Leaded
突發類型 B2 = Burst 2
硅片版本 B = B
ODT選項 2 = ODT Option 2 If ODT = HIGH, a high range termination resistance is selected. If ODT = LOW or floating, ODT is disabled
溫度範圍 blank = Commercial (0°C to 70°C)