
Density 1M
Org 64Kx16
Vcc 5V
Status Prod
Pkg Pins SOJ(44), TSOP2(44)
Speed Ns 12


The ISSI IS61C6416AL, IS62C6416AL, IS64C6416AL and IS65C6416AL are high-speed, 1,048,576-bit static RAMs organized as 65,536 words by 16 bits. They are fabricated using ISSI's high-performance CMOS technology. This highly reliable process coupled with innovative circuit design tech- niques, yields access times as fast as 12 ns with low power consumption.


Related Part Number(s)

Description Stock Qty Available Qty Description Stock Qty Available Qty
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IS61C6416AL-12K 1,500 IS61C6416AL-12TI 10,000
IS61C6416AL-12K-TR IS61C6416AL-12TI-TR 1,000
IS61C6416AL-12KLI 64 IS61C6416AL-12TLI 134
IS61C6416AL-12KLI-TR 800 IS61C6416AL-12TLI-TR 18,000